Terms and Conditions of Accommodation

(Scope of Application)

Article 1.

  1. Accommodation Contracts and related agreements entered into by this Hotel with the Guest shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions of Accommodation (hereinafter referred to as “Terms & Conditions”), and any matters not provided for shall be governed by laws and regulations or generally established practices.
  2. If the Hotel agrees to a Special Contract to the extent that it does not contravene laws, regulations, and custom, it shall prevail notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

(Application for Accommodation Contract)

Article 2.

  1. A person who wishes to apply for an Accommodation Contract at the Hotel shall be required to provide the following details.
    1. Name(s) of the Guest(s)
    2. Date(s) of accommodation
    3. Expected time of arrival
    4. Accommodation Charges
    5. Other matters deemed necessary by the Hotel
  2. If the Guest requests to continue his/her stay beyond the date of stay stipulated in item 2 of the preceding Paragraph during his/her stay, the Hotel shall treat it as a new application for an Accommodation Contract at the time such request is made.

(Formation of the Accommodation Contract, etc.)

Article 3.

  1. The Accommodation Contract shall be finalized when the Hotel has accepted the application as described in the preceding article. However, this shall not apply when the Hotel proves that it did not accept the application.
  2. When an Accommodation Contract has been finalized according to the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, an accommodation deposit determined by the Hotel within the limit of the Accommodation Charge for the period of stay must be paid by the date specified by the Hotel.
  3. The accommodation deposit shall first be applied to the Total Accommodation Charge ultimately to be paid by the Guest, secondly for compensation charges as stated in Article 6, and finally to reparations of damages as stated in Article 17. The Hotel shall refund any remaining amount at the time of payment for accommodation as stated in Article 11.
  4. If the Guest fails to pay the accommodation deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 by the date designated by the Hotel in accordance with the provisions of the same Paragraph, the Hotel shall treat the Accommodation Contract as invalid provided the Guest is thus informed by the Hotel when the payment date of the accommodation deposit is specified.

(Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit)

Article 4.

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may waive the requirement to pay the accommodation deposit after finalizing an Accommodation Contract under a Special Contract.
  2. In the event that the Hotel has not requested payment of the accommodation deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the preceding article and has not specified the date of payment of said deposit upon accepting the application for an Accommodation Contract, the Hotel shall be deemed to have accepted the Special Contract stipulated in the preceding Paragraph.

(Refusal of Forming the Accommodation Contract)

Article 5.

The Hotel may refuse to finalize an Accommodation Contract under the following circumstances.

  1. When the application for an Accommodation Contract is not in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
  2. When a reservation has already been made and there is no vacancy.
  3. When it is recognized that the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed likely to conduct himself/herself in a manner contrary to the provisions of the law, public order, or good morals in connection with the accommodation.
  4. When it is recognized that the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed to fall under any of the following (i) through (iii):
    1. An organized crime group (hereinafter referred to as “Organized Crime Group”) defined in Article 2-2 of the “Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members” (Act No. 77, 1991), organized crime group member (hereinafter referred to as “Organized Crime Group Member”) defined in the aforementioned Act Article 2-6, Organized Crime Group Associate-Member, a person related to Organized Crime Groups or any other unlawful groups.
    2. A corporation or other organization of which business activities are under the control of Organized Crime Groups or Organized Crime Group Members.
    3. A corporation that has an officer who falls under the category of Organized Crime Group Member.
  5. When a Guest seeking accommodation uses offensive language or engages in conduct that causes significant inconvenience and disturbance to the neighboring residents.
  6. When the Guest seeking accommodation can be clearly recognized as a person infected with a contagious disease.
  7. When the Guest seeking accommodation has made violent demands or demands that exceed what is reasonable concerning the accommodation.
  8. When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to a natural disaster, a breakdown of the facilities, or any other unavoidable reasons.
  9. When the case falls under the provisions of prefectural ordinances.
  10. When the Guest seeking accommodation does not comply with the Terms of Use stipulated by the Hotel.

(The Guest’s Right to Cancel the Accommodation Contract)

Article 6.

  1. The Guest is entitled to cancel the Accommodation Contract by notifying the Hotel.
  2. If the Guest cancels all or part of the Accommodation Contract due to reasons attributable to himself/herself (except in the event the Guest has canceled the Accommodation Contract prior to the payment of the accommodation deposit during the specified time designated by the Hotel under to Article 3-2), the Guest shall pay cancellation charges according to the following Table. However, in the event that the Hotel has agreed to a Special Contract stipulated in Article 4-1, the above shall only apply when the Hotel has notified the Guest of the obligation to pay the penalty upon cancellation by the Guest.

    Cancellation Charge

    No-Show / On arrival date / 1 day before the arrival date ......Penalty Rate 100%
    2 to 7 days ......Penalty Rate 80%
    8 to 14 days ......Penalty Rate 50%
    15 to 20 days ......Penalty Rate 30%


    • Cancellation charges shall be calculated from the date the hotel receives the notice of cancellation from the Guest.
    • When the number of days contracted is shortened, a penalty charge equivalent to the number of days shall be assessed.
  3. If the guest does not arrive before 6:00 p.m. on the day of the stay (or 3 hours after the estimated time of arrival if it has been clearly indicated in advance) without prior notice, the Hotel may deem the Accommodation Contract to have been canceled by the Guest and treat it as such.

(The Hotel’s Right to Cancel the Accommodation Contract)

Article 7.

  1. The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract in the following cases.
    1. When it is recognized that the Guest is likely to commit an act contrary to the provisions of law, public order, or good morals in connection with the accommodation, or when it is recognized that the Guest has committed such an act.
    2. When it is recognized that the Guest falls under any of the following (i) through (iii):
      1. An Organized Crime Group, Organized Crime Group Member, Organized Crime Group Associate-Member, a person related to Organized Crime Groups or any other unlawful groups.
      2. A corporation or other organization of which business activities are under the control of Organized Crime Groups or Organized Crime Group Members.
      3. A corporation that has an officer who falls under the category of Organized Crime Group Member.
    3. When a Guest seeking accommodation uses offensive language or engages in conduct that causes significant inconvenience and disturbance to the neighboring residents.
    4. When the Guest seeking accommodation can be clearly recognized as a person infected with a contagious disease.
    5. When the Guest seeking accommodation has made violent demands or demands that exceed what is reasonable concerning the accommodation.
    6. When the accommodation cannot be granted due to force majeure events such as a natural disaster.
    7. When the case falls under the provisions of prefectural ordinances.
    8. When the Guest fails to comply with the prohibition of smoking in the bedroom, tampers with fire-fighting equipment, and otherwise breaches regulations stipulated by the Hotel (limited to what is necessary for fire prevention).
    9. When the Guest seeking accommodation does not comply with the Terms of Use stipulated by the hotel.
  2. When the Hotel cancels the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall not charge the Guest for any of the services that have not yet been provided.

(Guest Registration)

Article 8.

The Guest shall register the following matters at the Hotel on the day of their stay.

  1. Name, date of birth, address, and telephone number
  2. All Guests of foreign nationality: nationality, passport number, place of entry, and date of entry
  3. Date and scheduled time of departure
  4. Other matters deemed necessary by the Hotel

(Time Allowed for the Use of the Guest Room)

Article 9.

The Guest is entitled to use the guest room of the Hotel from 3:00 p.m. on the day of arrival to 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the following day of departure. However, in the case of a consecutive stay, the Guest may occupy the guest room for the entire day except for the days of arrival and departure.

(Compliance with Hotel Rules)

Article 10.

The Guest shall observe the rules of use established by the Hotel.

(Payment of Charges)

Article 11.

  1. The Accommodation Charge payable by the guest consists of the room charge, additional charges, and taxes. Children aged six and under may stay free of charge if they are not provided with bedding, meals, or amenities. The maximum number of children staying free of charge at this facility is two.
  2. Payment of the room charge, etc., as described in the preceding paragraph, shall be made at the front desk at the time of the Guest's departure or when requested by the Hotel, using Japanese currency or a traveler's check, room voucher, credit card, or other alternative method approved by the Hotel.
  3. Accommodation Charges shall be paid even if the Guest does not stay in the room at his/her discretion after the Hotel has provided the room to the Guest and made it available for his/her use.

(Liability of the Hotel)

Article 12.

  1. In the event that the Hotel inflicts damage to the Guest due to the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements, the Hotel shall compensate for such damage. However, this shall not apply if the damage is not caused by reasons attributable to the Hotel.
  2. The Hotel is covered by Hotel Liability Insurance to deal with unexpected fires and/or other disasters.

(Procedures When the Hotel is Unable to Provide a Contracted Room)

Article 13.

  1. If the Hotel is unable to provide the Guest with a contracted room, it shall, with the consent of the Guest, arrange for other accommodations under the same conditions as far as possible.
  2. If notwithstanding the preceding paragraph's provisions, the Hotel cannot find other accommodation, it shall pay the Guest a compensation fee equivalent to the amount of the penalty, which shall be applied to the amount of compensation for damages. However, if there is no reason attributable to the Hotel for not being able to provide the guest room, no compensation shall be paid.

(Handling of Deposited Articles, etc.)

Article 14.

  1. The Hotel does not accept the deposit of any articles from the Guest during his/her stay.
  2. The Hotel shall not be liable for any loss or damage to any articles, cash, or valuables brought into the Hotel by the Guest.

(Custody of Baggage and/or Belongings of the Guest)

Article 15.

  1. When the Guest's baggage arrives at the Hotel prior to his/her stay, the Hotel shall take responsibility for its safekeeping only if the Hotel accepts such a request by the Guest. The baggage shall be handed over to the Guest at the time of his/her check-in.
  2. When the Guest's baggage or personal belongings left behind in the Hotel (including items in the safe of TANIYA) are found after check-out, and the ownership of the article(s) is confirmed, the Hotel shall contact the owner and request instructions. However, if the Hotel does not receive instructions from the owner, or if the owner cannot be identified, the Hotel will keep the article(s) for seven days, including the day it was found, and then may take further action, such as reporting the article(s) to the nearest police station. In addition, if the Hotel deems it difficult to store the article(s) for several days due to hygienic concerns, the article(s) may be disposed of on the same day during the cleaning of the Hotel.
  3. The responsibility of the Hotel for the storage of the Guest's baggage or personal belongings in the case of the preceding two Paragraphs shall be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article.

(Liability Regarding Parking)

Article 16.

When the Guest uses the parking lot of the Hotel, the Hotel shall not be responsible for the care and custody of the vehicle parked, and it shall be regarded that the Hotel simply offers the space for parking, regardless of whether or not the Guest has deposited the keys to the vehicle. However, the Hotel shall be liable for compensation for damage to the vehicle parked caused by the Hotel’s intent or negligent management of the parking lot.

(Liability of the Guest)

Article 17.

The Guest shall compensate the Hotel for damage caused by intent or negligence on the part of the Guest.

(Disclaimer of Liability)

Article 18.

  1. The Hotel is an old remodeled building with low ceilings and steep stairs. The Hotel shall not be responsible for any injuries in the facility. Please stay at your own risk.
  2. The Hotel offers optional dining arrangements when requested. The provision of such dining arrangements is a contract between the Restaurant and the Guest, and the Hotel shall not assume responsibility for it.
  3. Any and all disputes arising in connection with the Accommodation Contract and related contracts under these Terms & Conditions shall be settled exclusively in the Japanese courts having jurisdiction over the location of the Hotel, in accordance with the laws and regulations of Japan.